Self-Consumption/2Self-Consumption/2022 Tiny House off-grid setup/Victron installation. Photo by Victron Energy022 Tiny House off-grid setup/Victron installation. Photo by Victron Energy

Maximise Off-Grid Efficiency with Victron Energy Solutions

Harness solar, battery & electric power seamlessly off-grid. Energy Eco offers Victron products, pioneering sustainability & cutting-edge tech.

Dreaming of living off the grid is a yarn many Aussies spin. It paints a picture of a laid-back, self-reliant life, blending in with the bush, far from the city's hustle. But the bush presents its own challenges, especially powering our homes and gizmos. That's where Energy Eco and Victron Energy come into play, offering ripper solutions for those keen on green living.
  • Why Choose Victron Energy?
Expertise & Experience: With over 45 years in the game, Victron is a seasoned player. They've watched off-grid lifestyles evolve, constantly tweaking their products with every new tech breakthrough. 
Cutting-edge Tech: Victron's always ahead of the pack, making sure blokes and sheilas get the freshest in off-grid technology.

Self-Consumption/2023 ESS System/Victron Energy GX Touch 70. Photo by Victron Energy

Self-Consumption/2023 ESS System/Victron Energy off-grid setup. Photo by Victron Energy

  • Soaking Up the Sun: The Victron Solar Advantage

Solar's the go-to for off-grid battlers. And Victron's gear in this space? Top-notch: Smart Solar Charge Controllers: Not your average units. These beauties adjust to sunlight, making sure not a skerrick of energy is wasted. 

Solar Inverters: Victron’s inverters, they're the heart and soul of any off-grid setup, turning DC power from panels into the AC power we all know and love. 


  • Beyond Solar: Battery Management and The Rest

Storing juice is as big a deal as making it. Here’s how Victron has your back: 

Battery Monitors: No more flying blind. Victron’s gizmos keep you in the loop about energy use and how much you've got left in the tank. 

Battery Protect: Like a lifesaver. When your power bank runs low, the non-essentials get the flick, keeping the important stuff running. 

  • The Victron Edge

Every off-grid enthusiast has their quirks. Here’s why Victron's a deadset winner: 

Efficiency: Off-grid means making every volt count. Victron ensures you're not leaking power. 

Scalability: From powering a bush research station to a nifty caravan, Victron’s gear can be customised for any setup. 

User-friendly Apps: We're in the 21st century, after all. With Victron’s apps, keeping an eye on your power's just a swipe away. 

Victron Energy Bluetooth app on mobile devices showing status of MPPT and history of MPPT. Photo by Victron EnergyVictron Energy Bluetooth app on mobile devices showing status of MPPT and history of MPPT. Photo by Victron Energy


  • Energy Eco & Victron: The Dream Team

At Energy Eco, we're all about top-shelf, green solutions. Teaming up with Victron Energy, here's our promise: 

Quality Assurance: Every Victron bit and bob on our site's been through the wringer, tested for toughness. 

Fair Dinkum Prices: Going off-grid shouldn’t cost big bikkies. We offer top value without cutting corners. 

The Aussie Touch: Our range is handpicked for our unique Aussie conditions. Have a squiz at our full Victron Energy range.


  • Jump In, The Water's Fine

Living off the grid in Oz isn't pie in the sky; it's a real goer. With the right tools and a bit of advice, you're set. And Energy Eco? We’re right here with you, every step of the way.


  • The Aussie Off-Grid Wave: Not Just a Phase

From the sparkling beaches to the rugged bush, more and more Aussies are making the off-grid switch. And why wouldn’t ya?

Green Goals: Aussies are eco legends. Going off-grid means a cleaner footprint. 

Dollar Savings: Spend a bit upfront on beaut products like Victron's and save heaps in the long run. 

Standing On Your Own Two Feet: Making your own power? Bloody liberating. 

Mateship: Off-grid communities are popping up all over, built on trust and shared goals. 

If the off-grid life sounds like a bit of you, or you just want a chinwag about it, give Energy Eco a bell. We're always up for a chat about living green.

Self-Consumption/2Self-Consumption/2022 Tiny House off-grid setup/Victron installation. Photo by Victron Energy022 Tiny House off-grid setup/Victron installation. Photo by Victron Energy
Self-Consumption/2022 Tiny House off-grid setup/Victron installation. Photo by Victron Energy
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